Monday, April 1, 2013

Cinnamon Roll Cake

This is one of the easiest breakfasts to quickly put together and let bake for around 30 minutes and it is sure to be loved by everyone. Give it a try sometime this week!

3 C flour
¼ t salt
1 C sugar
4 t baking powder
1 ½ C milk
2 eggs
2 t vanilla
½ C butter, melted

1 C butter, melted
1 C brown sugar
2 T flour
1 T cinnamon

2 C powdered sugar
5 T milk
1 t vanilla

Preheat oven to 350*. Mix all cake ingredients, except butter. Add butter slowly, and pour into a greased 9x13. Mix topping together & pour over the top of cake batter. Use butter knife to swirl the two. Bake for 28-32 minutes. Mix glaze together and pour over slightly cooled, but still warm cake.

This can be served at room temperature, but is best while still warm from the oven or heated up in the microwave for a few seconds.

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